About Us

The National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP) is the nationwide leader in shoplifting prevention efforts. NASP’s unparalleled shoplifter research and ongoing collaboration with community stakeholders – from crime prevention to law enforcement, to retailers, to criminal & juvenile justice – has been the basis for all its organizational activities and the foundation for its programs and services.

As a tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, NASP is commissioned to provide its programs and services for the good of all stakeholders involved in the shoplifting problem. The fundamental value of our organization is that we are not driven by sales and the bottom line; we are driven by beneficial stakeholder outcomes. The culture of our organization is fueled, in part, by our staff’s unique sensitivity to stakeholder needs that comes with years of experience, commitment, and passion.

NASP’s mission is to raise public awareness about the harmful effects of shoplifting on youth, families, and communities, unite public opinion toward constructive solutions, deliver needed programs and services and engage community action in prevention efforts to improve the lives of all affected and reduce the number of people who become involved.

Fundamental Principles

Shoplifting is not a “victimless” crime. It raises costs to consumers, takes tax revenue away from communities, forces companies to go out of business, burdens law enforcement and the courts and hurts the lives of individuals and families

Addressing the issue of shoplifting and its prevention fosters and builds honesty, integrity, and character in our youth and gives rise to a populace and workforce less vulnerable to dishonesty, fraud, and embezzlement

The temptation to “get something for nothing” does not discriminate; it is prevalent in all neighborhoods with all races, colors, religions and social classes

At any age, shoplifting can be habit-forming or addictive and needs to be addressed like other addictive behaviors with appropriate programs and support

A persons’ ability to resist the temptation to shoplift is enhanced or diminished by the attitude of their community-at-large

Community apathy about shoplifting sends a message to individuals and youth that crime pays

Shoplifting will always rise to the level acceptable to the community

A proactive response to shoplifting and retail crime is responsible citizenship and a key factor in community safety and crime prevention

The most important factor in determining if a person will shoplift again is their experience the time before

Shoplifting and community safety is best addressed through public/private partnerships between law enforcement, criminal justice and community retailers that provide offender education

When an apprehension results in a positive learning experience, it is a win for the store, the offender, their family, and community